South Point Biomass Generation Plant
South Point Biomass Generation Plant
ProposedBiomass / Wood Incinerator           

100 Collins Road
South Point, OH
United States of America
Latitude: 38.424264
Longitude: -82.5754819
200 MW biomass (200 MW nameplate @ 100% "Wood Waste"); renewable energy certification granted; 09-1043-EL-REN Biomass Group LLC initially proposed the 148-200MW South Point project in Lawrence County, Ohio - the largest project in the US - in the 4th quarter of 2003 with a then-anticipated start date of 1 April 2006. That start date was contingent on signing a power purchase agreement by 31 December 2003 - a goal that has yet to be met. The 7 proposed boilers already exist, but had been burning coal. The Turbine would be completely new. The existing facility assets also include raw water and waste water systems, extensive underground piping, covered fuel storage, rail, an extensive road system, and a 1980's baghouse and stack. The air pollution control requirements will be satisfied by the addition of a new precipitator, catalyst systems, and a dry scrubber. Thomas King, executive vice-president, finance at US Renewables Group, which buys, develops and operates renewable energy and clean fuel assets, estimates the daily requirements of such a plant to exceed 300 truckloads of fuel a day.
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Distance (miles)02.551025
American Indian0.4%0.2%0.2%0.2%0.2%
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Biomass Group, LLC Owner 0%
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Nathan Johnson Active
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Unit Information

PowerTypeStatusFuelSecondary Fuel(s)
200 MWBurner: BoilerProposedWood Waste Solids Other Biomass Solid Paper / Lumber Mill Wood Wastes Agricultural Crop Residue Urban Wood Waste (Tree Trimmings) Forest Cuttings
Burner: BoilerProposedWood Waste Solids      
Burner: BoilerProposedWood Waste Solids      
Burner: BoilerProposedWood Waste Solids      
Burner: BoilerProposedWood Waste Solids      
Burner: BoilerProposedWood Waste Solids      
Burner: BoilerProposedWood Waste Solids      
Burner: TurbineProposedWood Waste Liquids      

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