50810 Ohio Rt 7, south of Matamoras
Grandview, OH
United States of America
Latitude: 39.51104
Longitude: -81.077401
old Sun Oil tank farm and gas station site.
Weavertown Transport Leasing is proposing a new facility for the "solidification and transfer of solid and liquid wastes." A pit "will be used to solidify sludges consisting of oil and gas drilling muds, oil and gas drill cuttings and other non-hazardous liquids (with the exception oily water which will be processed separately to recover the oil portion). Solidification agents and bulking agents will consist of paper mill by-products, kiln dust, fly ash and any other economical, non-hazardous waste material that will absorb water."
Separately, the 3 aboveground tanks will be leased to GreenHunter to transload brine and frac flowback for disposal at their underground injection well in southeastern Ohio.