10322 North Keys Road
Brandywine, MD
United States of America
Latitude: 38.696128
Longitude: -76.827528
company hopes to start construction by 2013 and be operating by 6/1/2016; 13 story tall smokestacks planned; would be air-cooled.
Mirant's unlined toxic (and leaking) coal ash dump is just north of where the power plant would go
"The project will permanently convert 405,983 square feet of forested wetland to emergent wetland, permanently convert 17,672 square feet of scrub/shrub wetland to emergent wetland; permanently impact 842 square feet of forested wetland, 82,765 square feet of emergent wetland, 110,356 square feet of regulated 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer; and temporarily impact 32,522 square feet of forested wetland, 29,180 square feet of emergent wetland, 13,731 square feet of regulated 100-foot nontidal wetland buffer, 178,674 square feet of regulated 25-foot nontidal wetland buffer, 25,093 square feet of 100-year floodplain and 1,080 linear feet of stream. These regulated impacts occur within and along the Patuxent River, Mattawoman Creek and Zekiah Swamp, as well as their tributaries."