Taylorville, IL
United States of America
Latitude: 39.586944
Longitude: -89.266388
Active as of 8/2010 This project was first proposed over a decade ago and while there is significant support for it (as well as opposition), it's financing is shaky. The project will require millions in loans to get it off the ground. Rates are likely to rise in order to pay off these loans. The State legislature will investigate this rate increase and take a vote this fall (2010).This is an IGCC plant with CCS. It has received its final permit from IL EPA (Jan 2009). Taylorville Energy Center is owned by Christian County Generation, LLC, which is jointly owned by Tenaska, Inc. and MDL Holding Co., LLC. MDL formed when The ERORA Group, initial developers of the Taylorville project, restructured and sold off some assets including the company name.GE-Eastman mine mouth