Fulton, AR
United States of America
Latitude: 33.649851
Longitude: -93.811913
Location: along Rt 355 between Fulton & McNab.
Powder River Basin coal
former Weyerhaueser property
Dev: Shaw Group of Baton Rouge, La.
boilers: B&W
12 potential sites were considered for SWEPCO's proposed 600 megawatt, base load generating project, including four in Arkansas, four in Louisiana, three in Oklahoma, and one in Texas.
SWEPCO will own 73 percent of the plant's base load capacity, or 440 megawatts of power, sharing ownership of the remaining capacity with Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority (40 mw), Northeast Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc., (50 mw), and Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corp. (70 mw).
On March 19, 2009 SWEPCO developers were ordered to stop construction on a wetlands area. SWEPCO cleared the land without a 404 permit.