//New main.js - replaces smartmenus.js Now uses Smartmenus 6.03
//Includes a bunch of parts - combined into one big JS file to reduce the number of objects.
//Includes: a large array of US county information.
//Might move smartmenus into a seperate JS file - now that our object count is very high (using lots of JS libraries for AJAX and other stuff).
//sBaseurl - used for tinyurls
//global variables
//number of map layers - aka basic facility search types (this can cause some trouble with missing factypes - ex. our hidden types: coal to oil, nuclear fuel, etc
var iMaplayers=24;
//used for adding units to added facility - trying to make it global
var unitCounter;
var sServer="https://ejmap.org/";
var sClienturl="https://ejmap.org/";
var sBaseurl="https://ejmap.org/";
var geoXml;
var toggleState = 1;
var iFacilitystep=1;
//hopefully makes it a global variable, so it can be access within function(data) in SaveData
var sHtml_id="test";
//should this be an array of datatables - eg dtable['facility']
var sub_facility="";
var sub_childfacilities="";
var sub_corporation="";
var sub_people="";
var sub_groups="";
var sub_school="";
var sub_resource="";
var sub_link="";
var sub_videolink="";
var sub_tag="";
var sub_phile="";
var sub_control="";
var sub_unit="";
var sub_unitstatus="";
var sub_fuel="";
var sub_product="";
//create an array of datatables for searches
var datatable_search_facility="";
var datatable_search_groups="";
var datatable_search_people="";
var datatable_search_resource="";
var datatable_search_corporation="";
var datatable_list_event="";
var datatable_list_resource="";
//For editing people/group to facility level of involvement
function EditInvolvement (iLevel, iSubid, sSubidname, iMainid, sMainidname, sRelatedtable)
var sLevel=$("#level_"+iSubid).html();
if (sLevel=='Interested') iLevel=1;
else if (sLevel=='Active') iLevel=0;
//gsRelatedtable - either people or groups
'gsLoginhash': aEditarray['sLoginhash'],
'giSubid': iSubid,
'gsSubidname': sSubidname,
'giMainid': iMainid,
'gsMainidname': sMainidname,
'giLevel': iLevel,
'giUid': aEditarray['iUid'],
'giSuperuser': aEditarray['iSuperuser'],
'gsRelatedtable': sRelatedtable
function (data)
if (data==0)
else if (data==1)
if (iLevel==0) $("#level_"+iSubid).html("Interested");
else $("#level_"+iSubid).html("Active");
//need to disable the regular form action... this works!
return false;
//For removing online account - for people and groups, based on editinvolvement
function RemoveOnlineAccount (iMainid, sMainidname)
'gsLoginhash': aEditarray['sLoginhash'],
'giMainid': iMainid,
'gsMainidname': sMainidname,
'giUid': aEditarray['iUid'],
'giSuperuser': aEditarray['iSuperuser']
function (data)
if (data==0)
else if (data==1)
alert ("Account removed");
//need to disable the regular form action... this works!
return false;
//javascript passes objects by reference, but simpler variables by value - since aEditarray is an object this should work...
//copied from AddRelation
function Init_aEditarray(aEditarray)
//creates rest of editarray object (some of it is created earlier in php)
//this serialize function causes spaces to be replaced with pluses
//I could server-side replace + with space, assumes that the user didn't add a + character for regular reasons...
aEditarray['aiCurpage']=new Array();
//maintable and mainid - already set by php
//Adds a Relation - for subforms using automcomplete... based on DeleteRelation
//oDatatable - sub_facility or others...
//sDeleteidname - delete idname - eg. iFacilityid
function AddRelation(sAddtable, iAddid, oDatatable, sAddidname)
//overwrites some of the add related variables
//call webservice
//trying it without serializing aEditarray - as there doesn't appear to be a js serialize function!
var encoded = $.toJSON(aEditarray);
//giAjax might not need quotes
{ 'giAjax': "1", 'aEditarray': encoded },
function (data)
var myObject = eval('(' + data + ')');
if (myObject['iExit']==1)
else if (myObject['iExit']!=null)
//hide user message for that subtable_message
var oSettings = oDatatable.fnSettings();
var aiNew = oDatatable.fnAddData(myObject['aRow']);
var nNewTr = oSettings.aoData[ aiNew[0] ].nTr;
oSettings.aoData[ aiNew[0] ].nTr.id=sAddidname+'_'+iAddid;
//show table - in case it was hidden before, if there were zero results
//id=autocomplete_$sSubtable - hopefully sets the value of the input text box to ''
//need to disable the regular form action... this works!
return false;
//add links objects and add relation between the facility and the link
//get values from gsUrl_link, gsName_link and gsDescription_link
//based on addrelation
//Note: need to stripslashes or possibly jsondecoding will fix the sUrl value...
// {"sClient":" Link added. It will be listed publicly within a week (unless you requested privacy or it contradicts the network mission). ",
// "iExit":0,"sUrl":"http:\/\/tes65.org","sName":"asdfad"}
//However - not displaying sClient! Need to display in id:link_message
//decided to use a shorter message. Link added. Doesn't tell the user that it won't be public right a way.
//set input fields to empty, once the AJAX has executed
function AddLink()
var sAddtable='link';
var iAddid='';
var sAddidname='iLinkid';
var oDatatable_addlink=sub_link;
//call webservice
//trying it without serializing aEditarray - as there doesn't appear to be a js serialize function!
var encoded = $.toJSON(aEditarray);
//giAjax might not need quotes
{ 'giAjax': "1", 'aEditarray': encoded, 'giAddlink' : "1" },
function (data)
var myObject = eval('(' + data + ')');
if (myObject['iExit']==1)
else if (myObject['iExit']!=null)
//hide user message for that subtable_message
//maybe hide all other user messages - for class notify?
//now show it
$('#'+sAddtable+'_message').html("Link added.");
var oSettings = oDatatable_addlink.fnSettings();
var aiNew = oDatatable_addlink.fnAddData(myObject['aRow']);
var nNewTr = oSettings.aoData[ aiNew[0] ].nTr;
//need to get iAddid out of myObject
oSettings.aoData[ aiNew[0] ].nTr.id=sAddidname+'_'+iAddid;
//show table - in case it was hidden before, if there were zero results
//set input fields to empty
//need to disable the regular form action... unsure if this works...
return false;
//based on AddLink
function AddVideoLink()
var sAddtable='videolink';
var iAddid='';
var sAddidname='iVid';
var oDatatable_addlink=sub_videolink;
//call webservice
//trying it without serializing aEditarray - as there doesn't appear to be a js serialize function!
var encoded = $.toJSON(aEditarray);
//giAjax might not need quotes
{ 'giAjax': "1", 'aEditarray': encoded, 'giAddvideolink' : "1" },
function (data)
var myObject = eval('(' + data + ')');
if (myObject['iExit']==1)
else if (myObject['iExit']!=null)
//hide user message for that subtable_message
//hide notifications
//now show this one
$('#'+sAddtable+'_message').html("YouTube link added.");
var oSettings = oDatatable_addlink.fnSettings();
var aiNew = oDatatable_addlink.fnAddData(myObject['aRow']);
var nNewTr = oSettings.aoData[ aiNew[0] ].nTr;
//need to get iAddid out of myObject
oSettings.aoData[ aiNew[0] ].nTr.id=sAddidname+'_'+iAddid;
//show table - in case it was hidden before, if there were zero results
//set input fields to empty
//need to disable the regular form action... unsure if this works...
return false;
//based on AddLink, loosely?
//add a photocaption
//send sLoginhash, sDescription, iPhoid
//aEditarray['sLoginhash'], - get sDescription from the user-entered field.
function AddPhotoCaption(iPhoid)
//get sDescription from the input field.
{ 'giAjax': "1", 'gsLoginhash' : aEditarray['sLoginhash'], 'gsDescription': sDescription, 'giPhoid':iPhoid },
function (data)
var myObject = eval('(' + data + ')');
if (myObject['iExit']==1)
//error message
//alert ("fail");
else if (myObject['iExit']!=null)
//some success message, or change of display to make it obvious that it went through - should i leave the user in edit mode? I guess so.
//alert ("success");
//could change the Add Caption to say Edit Caption
//$('#addcaption-submit').val('Edit Caption');
//for photogallery need to do something else... like say "added" in alert or just simply on the screen
if (substr_count(window.location.href , 'photogallery' , 0, 200))
//set display view caption - this only works for people/groups in editview
//need to disable the regular form action... unsure if this works...
return false;
//based on addlink
//uses sub_tag datatable
//we are now getting multiple tags returned - in $anArray['asTagreturn'] - probably located in myObject['asTagreturn']
function AddTag(iDeletebutton)
//only executes if the add tag input box is non-null
if ($('#gsTag').val()!='')
var sAddtable='tag';
var iAddid='';
var sAddidname='iTagid';
var oDatatable_addlink=sub_tag;
//call webservice
//trying it without serializing aEditarray - as there doesn't appear to be a js serialize function!
var encoded = $.toJSON(aEditarray);
//giAjax might not need quotes
{ 'giAjax': "1", 'aEditarray': encoded, 'giAddtag' : "1", 'giDeletebutton':iDeletebutton },
function (data)
var myObject = eval('(' + data + ')');
if (myObject['iExit']==1)
else if (myObject['iExit']!=null)
//hide user message for that subtable_message
//hide notifications
//now show this one
$('#'+sAddtable+'_message').html("Tag added.");
var oSettings = oDatatable_addlink.fnSettings();
//loop through myObject['asTagreturn']
//for in solution for array parsing - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9329446/for-each-in-a-array-how-to-do-that-in-javascript
//note a regular for loop doesn't work because asTagreturn has a length of undefined - js doesn't see it as an array
for (key in myObject['asTagreturn'])
if (String(Number(key)) === key && myObject['asTagreturn'].hasOwnProperty(key) && (key!=0))
//creates a new row
//var aiNew = oDatatable_addlink.fnAddData(myObject['aRow']);
var aiNew = oDatatable_addlink.fnAddData(myObject[key]['aRow']);
//var nNewTr isn't used
var nNewTr = oSettings.aoData[ aiNew[0] ].nTr;
//need to get iAddid out of myObject
oSettings.aoData[ aiNew[0] ].nTr.id=sAddidname+'_'+iAddid;
//show table - in case it was hidden before, if there were zero results
//empty tag input box
return false;
//based on addtag
function AddUnitStatus()
var sAddtable='unitstatus';
var iAddid='';
var sAddidname='iUsid';
var oDatatable_addlink=sub_unitstatus;
//call webservice
//trying it without serializing aEditarray - as there doesn't appear to be a js serialize function!
var encoded = $.toJSON(aEditarray);
//giAjax might not need quotes
{ 'giAjax': "1", 'aEditarray': encoded, 'giAddunitstatus' : "1" },
function (data)
var myObject = eval('(' + data + ')');
if (myObject['iExit']==1)
else if (myObject['iExit']!=null)
//hide user message for that subtable_message
var oSettings = oDatatable_addlink.fnSettings();
var aiNew = oDatatable_addlink.fnAddData(myObject['aRow']);
var nNewTr = oSettings.aoData[ aiNew[0] ].nTr;
//need to get iAddid out of myObject
oSettings.aoData[ aiNew[0] ].nTr.id=sAddidname+'_'+iAddid;
//show table - in case it was hidden before, if there were zero results
//need to disable the regular form action... unsure if this works...
return false;
//based on addunitstatus
function AddFuel()
var sAddtable='fuelproduct';
var iAddid='';
//note for products - use a different sAddidname - for use in datatables, in case the same thing goes in and out of the facility
var sAddidname='iFuel';
var oDatatable_addlink=sub_fuel;
//call webservice
//trying it without serializing aEditarray - as there doesn't appear to be a js serialize function!
var encoded = $.toJSON(aEditarray);
//giAjax might not need quotes
{ 'giAjax': "1", 'aEditarray': encoded, 'giAddfuel' : "1" },
function (data)
var myObject = eval('(' + data + ')');
if (myObject['iExit']==1)
alert (myObject['sClient']);
else if (myObject['iExit']!=null)
//hide user message for that subtable_message
var oSettings = oDatatable_addlink.fnSettings();
var aiNew = oDatatable_addlink.fnAddData(myObject['aRow']);
var nNewTr = oSettings.aoData[ aiNew[0] ].nTr;
//need to get iAddid out of myObject
oSettings.aoData[ aiNew[0] ].nTr.id=sAddidname+'_'+iAddid;
//show table - in case it was hidden before, if there were zero results
//need to disable the regular form action... unsure if this works...
return false;
//based on AddFuel
function AddProduct()
var sAddtable='fuelproduct';
var iAddid='';
//note for products - use a different sAddidname - for use in datatables, in case the same thing goes in and out of the facility
var sAddidname='iProduct';
var oDatatable_addlink=sub_product;
//call webservice
//trying it without serializing aEditarray - as there doesn't appear to be a js serialize function!
var encoded = $.toJSON(aEditarray);
//giAjax might not need quotes
{ 'giAjax': "1", 'aEditarray': encoded, 'giAddproduct' : "1" },
function (data)
var myObject = eval('(' + data + ')');
if (myObject['iExit']==1)
alert (myObject['sClient']);
else if (myObject['iExit']!=null)
//hide user message for that subtable_message
var oSettings = oDatatable_addlink.fnSettings();
var aiNew = oDatatable_addlink.fnAddData(myObject['aRow']);
var nNewTr = oSettings.aoData[ aiNew[0] ].nTr;
//need to get iAddid out of myObject
oSettings.aoData[ aiNew[0] ].nTr.id=sAddidname+'_'+iAddid;
//show table - in case it was hidden before, if there were zero results
//need to disable the regular form action... unsure if this works...
return false;
//Based on Addlink, note lots of repetition with how aEditarray is defined....
function AddAdmin()
var sAddtable='control';
var iAddid='';
var sAddidname='';
var oDatatable_addadmin=sub_control;
//call webservice
//trying it without serializing aEditarray - as there doesn't appear to be a js serialize function!
var encoded = $.toJSON(aEditarray);
//giAjax might not need quotes
{ 'giAjax': "1", 'aEditarray': encoded, 'giAddadmin' : "1" },
function (data)
var myObject = eval('(' + data + ')');
if (myObject['iExit']==1)
else if (myObject['iExit']!=null)
//hide user message for that subtable_message
var oSettings = oDatatable_addadmin.fnSettings();
var aiNew = oDatatable_addadmin.fnAddData(myObject['aRow']);
var nNewTr = oSettings.aoData[ aiNew[0] ].nTr;
//need to get iAddid out of myObject
oSettings.aoData[ aiNew[0] ].nTr.id=sAddidname+'_'+iAddid;
//show table - in case it was hidden before, if there were zero results
return false;
//Oppose Facility - user states their opposition to facility, add to facility_people table
function OpposeFacility(iFacilityid, sLoginhash, iUid, iPid, sFname, sLname)
//giAjax might not need quotes
{'giFacilityid': iFacilityid, 'gsLoginhash': sLoginhash, 'giUid': iUid},
function (data)
var myObject = eval('(' + data + ')');
//error message
if (myObject['iExit']==1)
//add them to sub-people datatable
//so need their name - which is in session['user'], and could be used as function parameters...
//sAddidname = 'iPid'
//iAddid = $session['user']['giPid'];
else if (myObject['iExit']==0)
//hide user message for that subtable_message
$('#oppose_facility').html('You oppose this facility.');
var oSettings = oDatatable.fnSettings();
var aiNew = oDatatable.fnAddData(myObject['aRow']);
//var aiNew = {"sFname": sFname, "sLname":sLname};
var nNewTr = oSettings.aoData[ aiNew[0] ].nTr;
oSettings.aoData[ aiNew[0] ].nTr.id='iPid_'+iPid;
//show table - in case it was hidden before, if there were zero results
//need to disable the regular form action... this works!
return false;
//maintable and mainid - already set by php
//Deletes a Relation - for subforms...
//oDatatable - sub_facility or others...
//sDeleteidname - delete idname - eg. iFacilityid
function DeleteRelation(sDeletetable, iDeleteid, oDatatable, sDeleteidname)
//we don't need sPost so it is set to empty
//call webservice
//trying it without serializing aEditarray - as there doesn't appear to be a js serialize function!
var encoded = $.toJSON(aEditarray);
//var JSON_aEditarray=JSON.stringify(encoded);
//giAjax might not need quotes
{ 'giAjax': "1", 'aEditarray': encoded },
function (data)
var myObject = eval('(' + data + ')');
if (myObject['iExit']==1)
else if (myObject['iExit']!=null)
//resource link deleted - tell them how to delete the underlying resource
if (sDeletetable=='resource')
$('#'+sDeletetable+'_message').html("You have removed the connection to the resource. You can also Delete the Resource").show();
//no delete message - need to replace with deletion message!
$('#'+sDeletetable+'_message').html('You have deleted the connection.').show();
if ((sDeleteidname=='iFuelproductid') && (oDatatable==sub_fuel))
else if ((sDeleteidname=='iFuelproductid') && (oDatatable==sub_product))
var position=oDatatable.fnGetPosition( $("#"+sDeleteidname+"_"+iDeleteid)[0])
//hide table if there are zero rows
if (oDatatable.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()==0)
//need to disable the regular form action... this works!
return false;
//Calls ajax service to save data
//sends sEditarray, as a serialized array
//need to create a editarray like object in javascript...
//returns: html for the section that was edited
//when finished: rewrite the html for the editview and displayview of sHtml_id
//if sHtml_id_new == 'privacy' then we are on the setprivacy.php page. Send a special setprivacy=1 to ajax_edit, so we can trigger a serverside function.
function SaveData(sHtml_id_new)
//call webservice
//trying it without serializing aEditarray - as there doesn't appear to be a js serialize function!
var encoded = $.toJSON(aEditarray);
if (sHtml_id_new=='privacy')
{ 'giAjax_edit': "1", 'giSetprivacy':"1", 'aEditarray': encoded , 'sHtml_id': sHtml_id},
function (data)
var myObject = eval('(' + data + ')');
//if fail - write out error message, stay in editview - eg. if data['iExit']==1
//hmm, unsure how to get multiple variables returned... maybe return a json array, and then parse it
//haven't teseted this part yet...
if (myObject['iExit']==1)
//success - write out html to displayview and editview profileboxes - in which case data might be an array with two strings in it
//set clientmessage div to empty (if there isn't any error) - it is used by step 3 I think... tends to say "we updated the record."
$("#clientmessage_wide").html('Your new privacy settings have been saved.').show();
//giAjax might not need quotes
{ 'giAjax_edit': "1", 'aEditarray': encoded , 'sHtml_id': sHtml_id},
function (data)
var myObject = eval('(' + data + ')');
//if fail - write out error message, stay in editview - eg. if data['iExit']==1
//hmm, unsure how to get multiple variables returned... maybe return a json array, and then parse it
//haven't teseted this part yet...
if (myObject['iExit']==1)
//SUCCESS - write out html to displayview and editview profileboxes - in which case data might be an array with two strings in it
//set clientmessage div to empty (if there isn't any error) - it is used by step 3 I think... tends to say "we updated the record."
//if we do this, we need to increase the top margin - replace class='main_smalltopmargin' with 'main'
//if there is a client message
if (myObject['sClient'].length > 5)
//fixes layout -
//now that we're recreated the html - add the notification message
$("#spanclientmessage_"+sHtml_id).html("Your changes have been saved.");
//hide other notifications
//these two lines are from displaymode, but I didn't want to use return false...
//do stuff with a returned email/emailhash if we got one
//email goes into js_encoded_email
if (myObject['sEmail_first']!='')
$("#js_encoded_email").html("" + "Email" + "");
//move facility minimap and update the nearby facilities link
if ((myObject['fLatitude']!=0) && (myObject['fLatitude']!=null))
//remove existing marker and add a new one
//tricky part is that we need to get the facility id and text (facility name)
//would be easier to move the bbMarker one... if I can get it in scope!
gMarkers[0].setPosition(new google.maps.LatLng (myObject['fLatitude'],myObject['fLongitude']));
map.setCenter (new google.maps.LatLng (myObject['fLatitude'],myObject['fLongitude']));
//update the nearby facilities link
$('#nearby_facilities').attr("href", "searchobject.php?gsTable=facility&gsSearchtype=themap&gsAddress_facility=+++"+myObject['fLatitude']+ "+" + myObject['fLongitude']+ "&gsQuery=Submit&giRadius=25&giRadiusdefault=1");
//need to disable the regular form action... this works!
return false;
function HideRemoveAccount()
function RemoveAccount()
var iGlobalmapwidth='';
//For the layers on community map and other maps
function Toggle_Layer_System(id)
if (id==2)
if (!$("#layer_system").is(":visible"))
//would like to use 100%, but first i need a parent div with a 100% width or I need to make this position absolute or something
// document.getElementById('facility_layer_system').style.display='none';
//need to set map width to the property stored in CSS... so I might need to store this width as a global variable?
//the hard part is that I want to resize the map width, without setting a width parameter - because doing so will override my adaptive layout
//google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');
function Toggle_Layers(sLayer_name)
//turns edit mode on, display mode off
//by setting style='display:none' or ''
function EditMode(sHtml_id)
//show the cancel link
//hide the edit link
//for people/group (and maybe facilities?) init country, state, province, county drop downs.
if (sHtml_id=='address') Init_County_State_Province();
//If the user is in EditMode and hits "cancel" they call this function to get into displaymode
function DisplayMode(sHtml_id)
//hide the cancel link
//show the edit link
return false;
//turns edit mode on, display mode off
//by setting style='display:none' or ''
function EditMode_subform(sSubtable)
//show the cancel link
//hide the edit link
//If the user is in EditMode and hits "cancel" they call this function to get into displaymode
function DisplayMode_subform(sSubtable)
//hide the cancel link
//show the edit link
return false;
//Return the user to their profile - displayperson-xx.htm from setprivacy.php
function ProfileReturn (iId, sTable)
window.location.href=sClienturl+'edit'+sTable+'-'+iId+ '.htm';
return false;
//checks username for duplicate. Eg. already existing account with that email address.
function DuplicateUsername ()
var sEmail=$('#gsEmail').val();
{ giAjax: "1"},
//write out data to the dom... perhaps below the email field - with a
//could make this an input text box, it would look more user-friendly in terms of copying
function (data)
if (data==1) $("#duplicate_username").html("That email already has an account. Forgot your password? ").show();
else if (data==0) $("#duplicate_username").html("");
else $("duplicate_username").html("That email already has an account. Verify your email ");
//borrowed from google - http://gmaps-samples.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/geocoder/reverse.html
//if successful, ask the user if they want to use the result.
//if yes, then open the addfacility page - send address in GET (address, city, state, zip, country)
//what is the format of the address: so use throughfarename, localityname, administrativeareaname, postalcodenumber
//for country - I might need to convert it from USA to United States or the 251 country code
//Used to have this on local/national/global map - turned off since those maps are crowded and scrolling is hard
//Probably doesn't work with google maps V3
function clicked(overlay, latlng) {
if (latlng) {
geocoder.getLocations(latlng, function(addresses) {
if(addresses.Status.code != 200) {
alert("reverse geocoder failed to find an address for " + latlng.toUrlValue());
else {
address = addresses.Placemark[0];
var myHtml = address.address;
//sends the full address, explode with comma seperation and count the number of elements to determine
//whether the street address is included (and city too)
//should I replace spaces with + character? spaces in the url might not be good...
if(confirm('Do you want to add a facility with this location?'+' '+myHtml)) self.location=sLocation;
//Initialize country, county, state, province
//used by onload_init, also used when the user clicks on edit, for addresses.
//Sets county to null, if the user changes the country.
function Init_County_State_Province ()
if (document.forms[0]!=undefined)
if (document.forms[0].giCounty!=undefined)
AddCounties3 (document.forms[0].giState.value, document.forms[0].giCounty.value);
if (document.forms[0].giCountry!=undefined)
//The US is default
if (document.forms[0].giCountry[document.forms[0].giCountry.selectedIndex].value!=undefined)
var iSelectedvalue=document.forms[0].giCountry[document.forms[0].giCountry.selectedIndex].value
else iSelectedvalue=251;
if (iSelectedvalue==44)
if (document.forms[0].giState!=undefined) document.forms[0].giState.value=0;
if (document.forms[0].gsState!=undefined) document.forms[0].gsState.value='';
if (document.forms[0].giCounty!=undefined) document.forms[0].giCounty.value=0;
else if ((iSelectedvalue!='') && (iSelectedvalue!=0) && (iSelectedvalue!=251))
if (document.forms[0].giState!=undefined) document.forms[0].giState.value=0;
if (document.forms[0].giProvince!=undefined) document.forms[0].giProvince.value=0;
if (document.forms[0].giCounty!=undefined) document.forms[0].giCounty.value=0;
if (document.forms[0].giProvince!=undefined) document.forms[0].giProvince.value=0;
if (document.forms[0].gsState!=undefined) document.forms[0].gsState.value='';
function substr_count(string,substring,start,length)
var c = 0;
if(start) { string = string.substr(start); }
if(length) { string = string.substr(0,length); }
for (var i=0; i < string.length; i++)
if(substring == string.substr(i,substring.length))
return c;
//Need to do this onload...
//Initializing several fields used in facility search
//only do this if they exist (and should only do it if we don't have a saved country or state of Canada...
//might need to give the prompt for province an ID so I can hide it, or stick it and the field in a div...
//700 lines!
//Mostly datatables initialization. Also for facility maps it does the first call to FacilityLayerToggle (to load facility layers)
function OnLoad_Init ()
//for marker move suggestions
$( "#dialog-form" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
height: 255,
width: 400,
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Submit": function()
//var point = bbMarker.getPosition();
alert("Thanks! We will review your suggestion.");
//testing sNotes value from form
//alert ("notes: "+sNotes.value);
$( "#dialog-form" ).dialog("close");
var move_lng=$( "#dialog-form" ).data("move_lng");
var move_lat=$( "#dialog-form" ).data("move_lat");
var move_uid=$( "#dialog-form" ).data("move_uid");
var move_facilityid=$( "#dialog-form" ).data("move_facilityid");
{giAjax:"1", fLongitude: move_lng , fLatitude: move_lat, iUid: move_uid, iFacilityid: move_facilityid, sClient:"", iExit:"", sLanguage:"",
sNotes: sNotes.value});
//function(){}, "JSON");
//only do this if calendar or event is in the url...
//could be modified to only do it if calendar is in the url - no longer using hidden divs...
if ((substr_count(window.location.href , 'calendar' , 0, 200)) || (substr_count(window.location.href , 'events' , 0, 200)))
googleCalendarApiKey: 'AIzaSyCd-PLmWJvFyoWGCZT2PQz95ALjE0UsngA',
// EJ Calendar
events: {googleCalendarId: 'oomjhb6i9427uoj8806efg7ehviiga78@import.calendar.google.com'},
//turns fullcalendaron, other calendar off
if ((substr_count(window.location.href , 'calendar' , 0, 200)))
//add tiptip tooltip to tipclass - currently not in use...
//trying to define a function within a function and it works
//ideally should only do this if there are <=20 items in the subform
var sSubtablename='';
function RemovePagination(sSubtablename)
$('#sub-'+sSubtablename+'_paginate')[0].style.display = "none";
$('#sub-'+sSubtablename+'_info')[0].style.display = "none";
//I should only do this validate function if these forms exist...
//Instead of sub_facility, we want to initialize all of the dataTables...
//we should have all the data stored in a js array, so we could look for !undefined arrays, or we could have a seperate js array
//that tracks which tables can be displayed...
//or do "if element with this id exists" then run it...
//EDIT -- include a column for deleting relations
if ((substr_count(window.location.href , 'edit' , 0, 200)) || (substr_count(window.location.href , 'signup' , 0, 200))
|| (substr_count(window.location.href , 'profile' , 0, 200)))
//need two facility tables - one for people/groups, where there are just 3 columns (name, interestlevel, delete)
//and one for corporations with 4 columns (name, ownership, subcorp, percent) or maybe 5 if we do delete...
//and one for resources - (name and delete)
//or Actually we need name, child corporation, and delete - hmm but what is child corporationd doing???
if (substr_count(window.location.href , 'resource' , 0, 200))
sub_facility=$("#sub-facility").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrtp',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":false}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null],
"fnDrawCallback": function() { $('#sub-facility_paginate')[0].style.display = "none"; }
sub_facility=$("#sub-facility").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrtp',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":false}, {"bSortable":false}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null],
"fnDrawCallback": function() { $('#sub-facility_paginate')[0].style.display = "none"; }
//used for corporations page - shows the facilities that are connected to the corporation and its (one generation) of child corps.
sub_childfacilities=$("#sub-childfacilities").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrt',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null]});
// might need to define sType for these other ones too... Tentatively just added it to the first column, second is null, hopefully the other columns will autodetect
//hmm, unsure if other columns can autodetect... might need to specify length?
//I had a problem where sub-facility was defined as 4 columns, but I only gave it 3
's and
's - that didn't work
//for facilities we want 4 columns, for other objects (like resources), we only need 2 columns
if (substr_count(window.location.href , 'resource' , 0, 200))
sub_corporation=$("#sub-corporation").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrt',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null] });
sub_corporation=$("#sub-corporation").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrt',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null, null] });
sub_category=$("#sub-category").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrt',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null] });
//now trying 4 columns first, last, state/thumbnail, delete
sub_people=$("#sub-people").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrt',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true},{"bSortable":true},{"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null, null] });
//facility has 4 slots - extra for interested/active
if (substr_count(window.location.href , 'facility' , 0, 200))
sub_groups=$("#sub-groups").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false,"bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrt',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}, {"bSortable":false}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null, null] });
sub_groups=$("#sub-groups").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false,"bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrt',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null] });
sub_school=$("#sub-school").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrt',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null]});
sub_resource=$("#sub-resource").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrt',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null]});
sub_link=$("#sub-link").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrt',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":false},{"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null]});
sub_videolink=$("#sub-videolink").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrt',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null] });
sub_tag=$("#sub-tag").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrt',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null] });
sub_phile=$("#sub-phile").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrt',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null]});
//two columns, date and type - could also have a delete one...
sub_unitstatus=$("#sub-unitstatus").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrt',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [null, null, null] });
sub_unit=$("#sub-unit").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrt',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null]});
sub_fuel=$("#sub-fuel").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrt',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null, null, null]});
sub_product=$("#sub-product").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrt',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null, null, null]});
//LIST -- listevent - list resource - hopefully covers "calendar" too.
//else if ((substr_count(window.location.href , 'list' , 0, 200)) || (substr_count(window.location.href , 'calendar' , 0, 200)))
else if ((substr_count(window.location.href , 'list' , 0, 200)) || (substr_count(window.location.href , 'events' , 0, 200)))
//event has 10 columns - email recently removed.
datatable_list_event=$("#datatable-list-event").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true},
{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, {"sType":"date"}, {"sType":"date"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null],
"aaSorting": [[ 1, "asc" ]],
"sDom": 'lfrtip'});
//resources has 4 columns
datatable_list_resource=$("#datatable-list-resource").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null, null],
"aaSorting": [[ 2, "desc" ]],
"sDom": 'lfrtip'});
//SEARCH mode
//var datatable_search_facility="";
else if (substr_count(window.location.href , 'search' , 0, 200))
//TableToolsInit.sSwfPath = "js/TableTools/media/swf/ZeroClipboard.swf";
//old style - 4 cols - new style 6 cols, includes lat/lng - hidden!
datatable_search_facility=$("#datatable-search-facility").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null, {"sType":"html"}, null, null],
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}, {"bSortable":false , "bVisible":false}, {"bSortable":false, "bVisible":false}],
"sDom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip',
"oTableTools": {"sSwfPath": "js/TableTools/media/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf",
"aButtons": [ {"sExtends": "csv", "mColumns": [0,1,2,4,5]},
{"sExtends": "xls", "mColumns": [0,1,2,4,5]},
{"sExtends": "copy", "mColumns": [0,1,2,4,5]},
{"sExtends": "pdf", "mColumns": [0,1,2,4,5]},
{"sExtends": "print", "mColumns": [0,1,2,4,5]}
datatable_search_corporation=$("#datatable-search-corporation").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null, null],
"sDom": 'lfrtip'});
datatable_search_groups=$("#datatable-search-groups").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null, null, null, null, null],
"sDom": 'lfrtip'});
datatable_search_people=$("#datatable-search-people").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null],
"sDom": 'lfrtip'});
datatable_search_resource=$("#datatable-search-resource").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null, null],
"sDom": 'lfrtip'});
//DISPLAY mode, one less column in datatables - necessary to avoid a sData javascript error
//need two facility tables - one for people/groups, where there are just 3 columns (name, interestlevel, delete)
//and one for corporations with 4 columns (name, ownership, subcorp, percent) or maybe 5 if we do delete...
if (substr_count(window.location.href , 'resource' , 0, 200))
sub_facility=$("#sub-facility").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"sDom": 'lfrtp',
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}],
"fnDrawCallback": function() { $('#sub-facility_paginate')[0].style.display = "none"; }
//people and groups
sub_facility=$("#sub-facility").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null] });
//used for corporations page - shows the facilities that are connected to the corporation and its (one generation) of child corps.
sub_childfacilities=$("#sub-childfacilities").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}] });
// might need to define sType for these other ones too... Tentatively just added it to the first column, second is null, hopefully the other columns will autodetect
//hmm, unsure if other columns can autodetect... might need to specify length?
//I had a problem where sub-facility was defined as 4 columns, but I only gave it 3
's and
's - that didn't work
//for facilities we want 4 columns, for other objects (like resources), we only need 2 columns
if ((substr_count(window.location.href , 'resource' , 0, 200)) || (substr_count(window.location.href , 'corporation' , 0, 200)))
sub_corporation=$("#sub-corporation").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}],
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
if (Math.ceil((this.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()) / this.fnSettings()._iDisplayLength) < 2)
{ RemovePagination('corporation');
}} });
sub_corporation=$("#sub-corporation").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null],
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
if (Math.ceil((this.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()) / this.fnSettings()._iDisplayLength) < 2)
{ RemovePagination('corporation');
}} });
//for people and group - need extra column if maintable=facility -- for active/interested field
if ((substr_count(window.location.href , 'facility' , 0, 200)) || (substr_count(window.location.href , 'df' , 0, 200)))
//NOW 3 columsn - changed from 4, to get http://localhost/ejm/displayfacility-68575.htm to work.
//4 columns - first name, last name, active/interested,
sub_people=$("#sub-people").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null],
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
if (Math.ceil((this.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()) / this.fnSettings()._iDisplayLength) < 2)
{ RemovePagination('people');
}} });
//3 columns - group name, state, active/interested
sub_groups=$("#sub-groups").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false,"bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false},{"bSortable":true}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null],
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
if (Math.ceil((this.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()) / this.fnSettings()._iDisplayLength) < 2)
{ RemovePagination('groups');
}} });
//3 columns - first name, last name, state
sub_people=$("#sub-people").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null],
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
if (Math.ceil((this.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()) / this.fnSettings()._iDisplayLength) < 2)
{ RemovePagination('people');
}} });
//2 columns - group name, state (ooh, for facility - we need THREE columns - interested is the third) -- same for people...
sub_groups=$("#sub-groups").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false,"bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null],
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
if (Math.ceil((this.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()) / this.fnSettings()._iDisplayLength) < 2)
{ RemovePagination('groups');
}} });
sub_school=$("#sub-school").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}],
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
if (Math.ceil((this.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()) / this.fnSettings()._iDisplayLength) < 2)
{ RemovePagination('school');
}} });
sub_resource=$("#sub-resource").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}],
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
if (Math.ceil((this.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()) / this.fnSettings()._iDisplayLength) < 2)
{ RemovePagination('resource');
}} });
sub_link=$("#sub-link").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":false} ],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}],
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
if (Math.ceil((this.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()) / this.fnSettings()._iDisplayLength) < 2)
{ RemovePagination('link');
}} });
sub_videolink=$("#sub-videolink").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true} ],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null],
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
if (Math.ceil((this.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()) / this.fnSettings()._iDisplayLength) < 2)
{ RemovePagination('videolink');
}} });
sub_tag=$("#sub-tag").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}],
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
sub_phile=$("#sub-phile").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":false}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null],
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
if (Math.ceil((this.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()) / this.fnSettings()._iDisplayLength) < 2)
{ RemovePagination('phile');
}} });
sub_unitstatus=$("#sub-unitstatus").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}],
"aoColumns": [null, null],
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
if (Math.ceil((this.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()) / this.fnSettings()._iDisplayLength) < 2)
{ RemovePagination('unitstatus');
}} });
sub_unit=$("#sub-unit").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null],
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
if (Math.ceil((this.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()) / this.fnSettings()._iDisplayLength) < 2)
{ RemovePagination('unitstatus');
}} });
sub_fuel=$("#sub-fuel").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null, null],
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
if (Math.ceil((this.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()) / this.fnSettings()._iDisplayLength) < 2)
{ RemovePagination('fuel');
}} });
sub_product=$("#sub-product").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}, {"bSortable":true}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}, null, null, null],
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
if (Math.ceil((this.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()) / this.fnSettings()._iDisplayLength) < 2)
{ RemovePagination('product');
}} });
//end of if statement
//same size in both cases - no delete column
//since there is unlikely to be more than 20 controllers, I'm removing pagination
sub_control=$("#sub-control").dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false, "bFilter":false, "bAutoWidth":false,
"aoColumns": [{"bSortable":true}],
"aoColumns": [{"sType":"html"}],
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
} });
//this would work if I added the class "dataTable" to all my tables...
//$('.dataTable').dataTable({"iDisplayLength":20, "bLengthChange":false});
//for each datatable, hide it if there are zero rows.
//actually hide the datatables wrapper - do this if we aren't in search view
if ((!substr_count(window.location.href , 'search' , 0, 200)) && (!substr_count(window.location.href , 'events' , 0, 200))
&& (!substr_count(window.location.href , 'list' , 0, 200)) )
if ((sub_facility.fnSettings()!=null) && (sub_facility.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()==0))
if ((sub_groups.fnSettings()!=null) && (sub_groups.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()==0))
if ((sub_people.fnSettings()!=null) && (sub_people.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()==0))
if ((sub_school.fnSettings()!=null) && (sub_school.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()==0))
if ((sub_resource.fnSettings()!=null) && (sub_resource.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()==0))
if ((sub_corporation.fnSettings()!=null) && (sub_corporation.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()==0))
if ((sub_link.fnSettings()!=null) && (sub_link.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()==0))
if ((sub_videolink.fnSettings()!=null) && (sub_videolink.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()==0))
//turned off - as the user can sometimes add a tag.
if ((sub_tag.fnSettings()!=null) && (sub_tag.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()==0))
if ((sub_phile.fnSettings()!=null) && (sub_phile.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()==0))
if ((sub_control.fnSettings()!=null) && (sub_control.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay()==0))
if (substr_count(window.location.href , '/admin' , 0, 200))
if (substr_count(window.location.href , 'verify_account' , 0, 200))
if (substr_count(window.location.href , 'signup.php?giStep=1' , 0, 200))
//form wizard add a facility code - imported from displayfieldinc.php
if (substr_count(window.location.href , 'addfacility' , 0, 200))
//hide datatable_wrappers if they have zero rows
//foreach them - or do it for all divs that have a class of dataTable
$('.dataTables_wrapper').each(function(i, obj)
//obj.id "sub-facility_wrapper"
var tablename= obj.id.replace('_wrapper', '');
tablename= tablename.replace('-', '_');
if (window[tablename].fnSettings().fnRecordsTotal() < 1)
//hide the table
tablename= tablename.replace('_', '-');
//for calendar
if (substr_count(window.location.href,'calendar',0,200))
CalendarSwitch ('');
$('.fc-header-right').append("Add Event");
else if (( substr_count(window.location.href,'events',0,200)) || (substr_count(window.location.href,'iCurrentpageiEid',0,200)))
CalendarSwitch ('listview');
// }); //OLD end of document.ready
//I decided to include everything in the document.ready function.
//Initialize the facility maps
//check for gsSearchtype -- hmm - need to define gsSearchtype first... can I make it a JS global?
var gsSearchtype='';
if (substr_count(window.location.href , 'nationalmap' , 0, 400)) gsSearchtype='nationalmap';
else if (substr_count(window.location.href , 'globalmap' , 0, 400)) gsSearchtype='globalmap';
else if (substr_count(window.location.href , 'statemap' , 0, 400)) gsSearchtype='statemap';
else if ((substr_count(window.location.href , 'themap' , 0, 400)) || (substr_count(window.location.href , 'community' , 0, 400))) gsSearchtype='themap';
if (gsSearchtype!='')
//sets layer status to 'on' for local and global map, off for national and state map
var iStatus=0;
if ((gsSearchtype=='themap') || (gsSearchtype=='globalmap')) iStatus=1;
var layerstatus=new Array();
layerstatus[1]=new Array();
layerstatus[2]=new Array();
layerstatus[3]=new Array();
layerstatus[4]=new Array();
//same array is also used by FacilityLayerToggle
var aFaclayer=new Array (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 98);
for (key in aFaclayer)
//load markers
//First - check for any existing layers in the URL
//Second - if not, then for local/global/state - load all layers. National - do not load.
//extract layers from the URL
//commented out, as we appear to be already loading this in php - in searchobjectsinc.php we call facilitylayertoggle
if ((gsSearchtype=='themap') || (gsSearchtype=='globalmap') || (gsSearchtype=='statemap'))
//FacilityLayerToggle(1, 99, 99, gsSearchtype, '');
//layers are off by default -- BUT they might be defined in the URL (by a saved url, or biomassoperating style)
//need to detect the layers in the url, use this to load layers (ajax/json) and set the checkboxes.
else if (gsSearchtype=='nationalmap')
//alert ('need to detect url');
//Initialize country, county, state, province
Init_County_State_Province ();
//might want to do this only if they exist...
$('#stateemissionschart_iCo2').visualize({barGroupMargin: '2', width:370});
$('#stateemissionschart_iSo2').visualize({barGroupMargin: '2', width:370});
$('#stateemissionschart_iNox').visualize({barGroupMargin: '2', width:370});;
//kml init, only if on search object
if ((substr_count(window.location.href , 'searchobject' , 0, 200)) || (substr_count(window.location.href , 'displayobject.php?gsTable=adm' , 0, 200))
|| (substr_count(window.location.href , 'ntiny' , 0, 200)))
}); //end of document ready function
} //end of long OnLoad_init function
//canada chosen - turn canada prompt and dropdown on, turn others off
//us chosen - turn us prompt and dropdown on, turn others off
//other country chosen (that isn't empty string) - turn other country textbox on, turn others off
//document.forms[0].giCountry.selectedIndex - look for Canada (44), or US (251)
//this handles things that are already selected, but doesn't handle values from past searches that would be stored
//in SESSION - but it still might work, so long as iCountry is marked as "selected" and OnLoad_Init is designed
//to handle that...
//This "forgets" the value that the user already entered. So if they have US selected, then choose Canada, then choose
//the US, it won't remember the state they had selected for the US. On the other hand, how often will users do this?
//We're setting the other values to null, so as to avoid sending them to the server...
//Instead: we could have a "on submit" function that would set them to null if their form fields were hidden...
//be sure that if the user switches from the US to another country it sets giState=0.
//if the user switches from Canada to another country set iProvince=0
function StateBoxToggle()
//it is undefined if we're doing a user signup and are at step 1
if (document.forms[0].giCountry!=undefined)
var iSelectedvalue=document.forms[0].giCountry[document.forms[0].giCountry.selectedIndex].value
if (iSelectedvalue==44)
//other country, non-US, non-Canada
else if ((iSelectedvalue!='') && (iSelectedvalue!=0) && (iSelectedvalue!=251))
//Sets giProvince, giState, gsState to null - based on which country is selected
function SubmitForm()
if (document.forms[0].giCountry!=undefined)
var iSelectedvalue=document.forms[0].giCountry[document.forms[0].giCountry.selectedIndex].value;
if (iSelectedvalue==44)
else if ((iSelectedvalue!='') && (iSelectedvalue!=0) && (iSelectedvalue!=251))
//reset button - in case the layers get messed up from clicking on them too fast before ajax requests are processed.
//also resets localmap - for local map we have giLayer_98_1 (the "other" layer, which doesn't exist on national map)
//I could modify it so it only sets them to false if they exist, but this seems to work fine - no javascript errors in firebug
function ResetNationalMap()
for (var k=1; k<=iMaplayers; k++)
for (var j=1; j<=4; j++)
var sCheckname='giLayer_'+k+'_'+j;
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname]!=undefined)
//layerstatus is only used for local map - i think (wrong - also for state map)
if (layerstatus!=undefined) layerstatus[j][k]=0;
var sCheckname='giLayer_'+k+'_'+99;
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname]!=undefined)
for (var j=1; j<4; j++)
if (document.forms['faclayerform']['giLayer_98_'+j]!=undefined)
if (layerstatus!=undefined) layerstatus[j][98]=0;
for (var j=1; j<=4; j++)
//for (var j=2; j<=4; j++)
var sCheckname='giLayer_'+99+'_'+j;
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname]!=undefined)
var sCheckname='giLayer_'+98+'_'+j;
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname]!=undefined)
if (document.forms['faclayerform']['giLayer_98_99']!=undefined)
if (document.forms['faclayerform']['giLayer_99_99']!=undefined)
for (keyVar in facilities)
if (gMarkers[keyVar]!=null)
//new method - sets the array length to zero when finished removing each marker
if (substr_count(window.location.href , 'heat' , 0, 200))
// map.addOverlay(myTileLayer);
//sets iLayervisible to 0, also reset gmarkers - unsure if that is needed - as all of its operations are included above.
//ToggleAllMarkersOff ();
$("span#iCount").html("Total Results: 0");
//enables or disables all checkboxes
//NOTE: "disable" variable is true or false. If it is false, then this Enables all checkboxes.
function CheckboxDisable(disable)
if (disable==true)
$("span#waiting").html("Fetching Data...");
//Alternatively, I could go through the DOM and find all checkboxes... If there was a direct DOM pointer to checkboxes.
for (var ik=1; ik<=iMaplayers; ik++)
for (var ij=1; ij<=4; ij++)
var sCheckname10='giLayer_'+ik+'_'+ij;
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname10]!=undefined)
var sCheckname10='giLayer_'+ik+'_99';
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname10]!=undefined)
//all of the same status - only exists for statuses other than "operating", hmm, unsure what this really does...
if (document.forms['faclayerform']['giLayer_99_1']!=undefined)
if (document.forms['faclayerform']['giLayer_99_99']!=undefined)
if (document.forms['faclayerform']['giLayer_98_99']!=undefined)
for (var ij=1; ij<=4; ij++)
var sCheckname10='giLayer_98_'+ij;
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname10]!=undefined)
//creates layer checkbox array (based on the layer toggle, and existing form of checkboxes) - sends to server
//gets facility data from AJAX request
//runs initlayers to display them
//*More Details*
//if they choose an "all" statuses or all facility types - then toggle the related checkboxes
//if they choose "proposed" (iStatus=2) then select "expanding" (iStatus: 4) as well, except for 99 (all layers)
//if sMaptype: localmap, nationalmap, globalmap, or state (unsure about state - use same types as searchtype)
//iRadius is null by default, if non-null - then use for webservice (for localmap changing radius)
//instead of using maplayers (number of basic fac types - we might want to use "98" - to support the "other" layer in local map
//Or I should create an array of statuses that I can foreach, and a list of faclayers that I can foreach
//Could I call this function with iLayerid='' and iStatus='' - and that would apply the checkboxes - eg. turn them into layers
//useful for initial condition - ex. biomassoperating - where we have giLayer_11_1=on, and displayfield correctly checks the box
//so instead of having to reparse the URL and extract the layers, I can use the form-checkbox logic.
//searchobjectsinc.php - calls it with -99 layer and -99 status, and iOn=1 - which makes no sense - it sould be 0,99,99
//NationalMapToggle(1, -99, -99);
//iAdmid and iCountry come from the first call to this in searchobjectsinc.php - if we are using national-ca or Ohio - as the urls
function FacilityLayerToggle (iOn, iLayerid, iStatus, sMaptype, iRadius, iCountry, sState)
//function NationalMapToggle(iOn, iLayerid, iStatus)
//these two arrays are to use in checkbox loops for faclayers - to minimize the number of tests
//you can for (key in aFaclayer) and then use aFaclayer[key] to get the 1..99 values
//hmm, not sure if 99 should be included in aStatuslayer and aFaclayer - as sometimes we don't want it
var aStatuslayer99=new Array (1, 2, 3, 4, 99);
var aStatuslayer=new Array (1, 2, 3, 4);
var aFaclayer99=new Array (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 98, 99);
var aFaclayer=new Array (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 98);
//ban using two or more of the high marker layers for the US national map. So do not ban it for national-ca
//Layers include: hydro/oil/gas/coal/landfill - operating/all
if ((sMaptype=='nationalmap') && ((iCountry==0) || (iCountry==251)))
var aStatus=new Array (2, 3, 4, 15, 17);
if ( ((iLayerid==2) || (iLayerid==3) || (iLayerid==4) || (iLayerid==15) || (iLayerid==17)) &&
((iStatus==1) || (iStatus==99)))
for (key in aStatus)
//probably instead of key - i should be using aStatus[key] as the key starts at 0 - so that is what I do
if (aStatus[key]!=iLayerid)
var sCheckname5='giLayer_'+aStatus[key]+'_';
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname5+'1']!=undefined) document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname5+'1'].checked=false;
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname5+'99']!=undefined) document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname5+'99'].checked=false;
//99-99 changing the values of all layers
if ((iLayerid==99) && (iStatus==99))
for (var ikey in aStatuslayer99)
for (var isubkey in aFaclayer99)
var sCheckname5='giLayer_'+aFaclayer[isubkey]+'_'+aStatuslayer[ikey];
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname5]!=undefined)
//user is turning off a layer - turn off any "99" layers that are affected
if (iOn==false)
//set the "all statuses of this layer" to false
if (iLayerid!=99)
var sCheckname5='giLayer_'+iLayerid+'_99';
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname5]!=undefined) document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname5].checked=false;
//Set the "all facilities of the same status" to false
var sCheckname5='giLayer_99_'+iStatus;
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname5]!=undefined)
//if we're turning off any layer, set 99,99 to false (if it exists)
var sCheckname5='giLayer_99_99'+iStatus;
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname5]!=undefined)
//user is turning on a layer - change any other layers that are affected (expanding), and the 99 ones
//if the user turns on proposed (iStatus:2) then turn on expanding (iStatus:4)
if ((iStatus==2 || iStatus==1) && (iLayerid!=99))
var sCheckname_expanding='giLayer_'+iLayerid+'_4';
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname_expanding]!=undefined) document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname_expanding].checked=true;
//test for the user turning on a layer that causes all statues for that factype to be selected
//Starts with assuming that all the statuses for that layer are on. If anyone is turned off then we set, iAll=false.
var iAll=true;
for (var n=1; n<=4; n++)
var sCheckname5='giLayer_'+iLayerid+'_'+n;
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname5]!=undefined)
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname5].checked==false) iAll=false;
if (iAll==true)
var sCheckname5='giLayer_'+iLayerid+'_99';
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname5]!=undefined) document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname5].checked=true;
//negative 99 is weird - probably used to turn everything off, but instead we should use iOn=false for that
if (iStatus!=-99)
//look at the iStatus -- does this new layer create an all fac layers of this status
var iAll=true;
//for (var n=1; n<=iMaplayers; n++)
for (var n in aFaclayer)
var sCheckname5='giLayer_'+aFaclayer[n]+'_'+iStatus;
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname5]!=undefined)
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname5].checked==false) iAll=false;
if (iAll==true)
var sCheckname5='giLayer_99_'+iStatus;
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname5]!=undefined)
//Start Building the aCheck array based on the form
var aCheck = new Array();
//Build the checkbox array to send to the server
//for (var m=1; m<=iMaplayers; m++)
//or should I use aFaclayer99?
for (var mtemp in aFaclayer)
aCheck[m] = new Array();
//possible statuses, 1, 2, 3, 4, 99
var sCheckname='giLayer_'+m+'_';
//if all is checked - don't include the other parameters, to make the sql simpler
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname+'99']!=undefined)
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname+'99'].checked)
//if the user just clicked on the all status checkbox, then set the checkbox fields to on/off
if ((iLayerid==m) && (iStatus==99))
//if all isn't selected - collect all the checkbox values for the array
//if the user just clicked on the all status checkbox - and turned layers off... then set the boxes to off
if ((iLayerid==m) && (iStatus==99))
aCheck[99]=new Array();
var sCheckname3='giLayer_99_';
//if the user just toggled the all factypes of one status - then set the checkbox values for them
//unsure why this is in the aCheck building section
if (iLayerid==99)
for (var k in aFaclayer)
var sCheckname2='giLayer_'+aFaclayer[k]+'_'+iStatus;
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname2]!=undefined) document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname2].checked=iOn;
if (document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname3+'1'] !=undefined) aCheck[99][1]=document.forms['faclayerform'][sCheckname3+'1'].checked;
//this shouldn't ever be checked - as it won't work - it'd display too many results (9000+)
//so it should be disabled (at least for the US - what about other countries???)
//remove markers - do it before the AJAX request so the cpu can work on it while we're waiting for the AJAX response
//hmm, we want to clear only the non-kml overlays...
if (iStatus!=-99) ToggleAllMarkersOff();
//gets an array of facilities in JSON, based on the checked layers
//using post because I cannot use GET and send aCheck - as it is too long.
//try serializing the entire form contents as a way of sending aCheck
//if aCheck is null - all checkboxes are off, then just set facilities to an empty array without running the service
//the serialize function gets multiple layers from the checkboxes: so it looks like "giLayer_8_1=on&giLayer_1_1=on"
//might need to send this as a POST variable instead - otherwise layers can be too long for the URL
var str = $('#faclayerform').serialize();
//if all layers are on or off then simplifies the string
if ((iOn==1) && (iLayerid==99) && (iStatus==99)) str='giLayer_99_99=on';
else if ((iOn==0) && (iLayerid==99) && (iStatus==99)) str='giLayer_99_99=off';
else if (document.forms['faclayerform']['giLayer_99_99']!=undefined)
if (document.forms['faclayerform']['giLayer_99_99'].checked) str='giLayer_99_99=on';
if ((str=="") || (substr_count(str, 'giLayer',0,200)==0))
//do nothing - we already cleared the overlays...
//set the number of results to zero
$("span#iCount").html("Number of Results: 0");
//main case - there is a layer in str
//first disable all checkboxes
CheckboxDisable (true);
//may need rewriting to handle biomassoperating and Ohio (eg URL redirects) -- because the searchtype and iAdmid don't show in the URL!
var gsSearchtype='';
if (sMaptype!='') gsSearchtype=sMaptype;
else if (substr_count(window.location.href , 'nationalmap' , 0, 400)) gsSearchtype='nationalmap';
else if (substr_count(window.location.href , 'globalmap' , 0, 400)) gsSearchtype='globalmap';
else if (substr_count(window.location.href , 'statemap' , 0, 400)) gsSearchtype='statemap';
else if ((substr_count(window.location.href , 'themap' , 0, 400)) || (substr_count(window.location.href , 'community' , 0, 400))) gsSearchtype='themap';
//probably need to add code for LOCAL MAP and global map...
var sUrl='';
//Test to see if we can use the JSON cache - for non-US national map
if ( (substr_count(str, 'giLayer')>=1) && (gsSearchtype=='nationalmap') && ((iCountry==0) || (iCountry==251)))
//We can use caching if there is only one layer (or a double layer of proposed and expanding)
if (substr_count(str, 'giLayer')==1)
var iFirstunderscore=str.indexOf('_');
var iLastunderscore=str.lastIndexOf('_');
var iLastequal=str.lastIndexOf('=');
var iLayer=str.substr(iFirstunderscore+1, iLastunderscore-iFirstunderscore-1);
//after the second underscore (iStatus length could be 1 or 2 chars (for 99) - next char is an "="
var iStatus=str.substr(iLastunderscore+1, iLastequal-iLastunderscore-1);
//check for proposed and expanding of each type...
else if (substr_count(str, 'giLayer')==2)
for (var iJ in aFaclayer)
if ((substr_count(str,'giLayer_'+aFaclayer[iJ]+'_2')==1) && (substr_count(str, 'giLayer_'+aFaclayer[iJ]+'_4')==1))
//check for 5 layers, and one of them is an "all" layer - then they are probably all for the same type, so we do JSON request for that
else if ((substr_count(str, 'giLayer')==5) && (substr_count(str, '99')==1))
for (var iJ in aFaclayer)
if (substr_count(str,'giLayer_'+aFaclayer[iJ]+'_99')==1)
//If we don't find a JSON cache that we can use, then call the ajax service
if (sUrl=='')
//to add: sAddress_facility, giRadius, and gsSearchtype
if ($('#sAddress_facility_hidden').html()!='') sUrl+='&gsAddress_facility='+$('#sAddress_facility_hidden').html();
if (gsSearchtype!='') sUrl+='&gsSearchtype='+gsSearchtype;
//User can expand the radius to 50 or 100 miles (default is 25)
//alert ('giRadius '+giRadius);
//iRadius - comes from localmap - set radius, whereas giRadius comes from the URL
if (iRadius==0) sUrl=sUrl;
else if ((iRadius!='') && (iRadius!=0)) sUrl+='&giRadius='+iRadius;
else if ((giRadius!='') && (giRadius!=0)) sUrl+='&giRadius='+giRadius;
else sUrl+='&giRadius=25';
var queryString = window.location.search;
var params = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
var stateCounty = params.get("county");
if ((iCountry!=0) && (iCountry!=251) && (iCountry!=undefined)) sUrl+='&giCountry='+iCountry;
if ((sState!='') && (sState!=undefined)) sUrl+='&gsState='+sState;
if((stateCounty!='') && (stateCounty!=undefined)) sUrl += "&county=" + stateCounty;
//MAIN AJAX call - get the data
//may need to use post (instead of get) to handle a long list of layers
$.post(sUrl,{ giAjax: "1", gsSearchtype: gsSearchtype },
function (data)
var tempfacilities = eval('(' + data + ')');
//frees up the memory
//Enable all the checkboxes
CheckboxDisable (false);
//test for too many responses - for a local map bug
if (((gsSearchtype=='themap') && (facilities[0]['iCount']>2000))
|| ((gsSearchtype=='statemap') && (facilities[0]['iCount']>5000)))
alert ('Error - too many results to display. Probably due to a geocoding or software error.');
$("span#waiting").html("Adding Data to Map...");
//After the data is fetched, display the layers
//only send a re-centering point if we have one
if (facilities[0]['fLat']==undefined) InitLayers('','');
else InitLayers(facilities[0]['fLat'],facilities[0]['fLong']);
$("span#iCount").html("Total Results: "+facilities[0]['iCount']+" Mapped Results: "+facilities[0]['iMapcount']);
//writes over the "adding to map" notice
//Shows facilities where facilities[key][iLayervisible]<>0
//For use in debugging layers system
//also provide a count of them
//builds up a string and then writes it out to a div or span
function ShowVisibleFacilities ()
var facility_list='';
var visible_count=0;
for (keyVar5 in facilities)
if (keyVar5!=0)
if (facilities[keyVar5]['iLayervisible']!=0)
facility_list=facility_list+' '+keyVar5;
$("span#Debug").html("Number of Visible Results: "+visible_count+facility_list);
//create a tinyurl - calls ajax webservice
//uses sUrl - which should be in global scope
//iFormdata - if 1, then serialize form data
//sShare= '', twitter, or facebook : if we're doing this to create url for FB or twitter sharing, then we don't write it out the screen
//As of Sept, 2014 - this is replaced by the Jmap GetTinyURL function , except for non-US national map and global map
function GetTinyUrl (iFormdata, sShare)
var formstr='';
//clears the old tinyurl...
//alert (sUrl);
//for national and localmap - fetches form results - and adds to the string
//the serialized form can include a lot of fields that we don't need - like masUnittype, masFueltype_simple, etc
if (iFormdata==1)
formstr = $("form").serialize();
//get center point: long/lat, zoom level, and map type (map, satellite, or hybrid)- add to url
//point.lat() point.lng - return values
var point=new google.maps.LatLng(0,0);
//getsize unfortunately returns the original map size - if you use jquery resize, it won't be updated
//v3 - there is not getsize function... need to use map.getDiv().offsetWidth;
//and possibly add a border to them
//var size=new google.maps.size(0,0);
//only difference is miCountry=0
//this doesn't work for state maps - where we need to get the giAdmid on the client side, OR we need to fix it on the server side...
var sTinyserviceurl=sServer+"server-test/webservice/tinyurl-service.php?gsUrl="+sUrl+"&"+formstr+"&gsAddress_facility="+sAddress_facility+"&gfLat="+point.lat()+"&gfLng="+point.lng()+"&giZoom="+map.getZoom()+"&gsMaptype="+map.getMapTypeId()+"&giWidth="+(map.getDiv().offsetWidth-2)+"&giHeight="+(map.getDiv().offsetHeight-2);
if (substr_count(window.location.href , 'globalmap' , 0, 200))
if (substr_count(window.location.href , 'adm' , 0, 200))
var miAdmid_get = window.location.pathname.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
{ giAjax: "1", gsClienturl: sBaseurl},
//write out data to the dom...
//could make this an input text box, it would look more user-friendly in terms of copying
function (data)
if (sShare=='')
else if (sShare=='facebook')
else if (sShare=='twitter')
//this shares a nonclickable url - or maybe only because it is localhost...
//this shares a clickable url - problem is that it needs a good name...
//A function that reuses values for the basic/advanced facility search when the user toggles between them
//reuse: facility name, company name, city, state, county, zip, radius
//sFormtype = advanced or basic - the type of the form that we are linking to - for use in the open window
//this might be a problem - it should only do this for basic/adv fac search, it shouldn't do it for
//adding a person then doing a search
function ReuseFormFields (sFormtype)
var sList='';
//for each possible reuse value - check if it is non-null, if so, add it to a string variable
if (document.forms[0].gsName.value!=undefined) sList+='&gsName='+ document.forms[0].gsName.value;
if (document.forms[0].gsCompanyname.value!=undefined) sList+='&gsCompanyname='+ document.forms[0].gsCompanyname.value;
if (document.forms[0].gsCity.value!=undefined) sList+='&gsCity='+ document.forms[0].gsCity.value;
if (document.forms[0].giState.value!=undefined) sList+='&giState='+ document.forms[0].giState.value;
if (document.forms[0].giCounty.value!=undefined) sList+='&giCounty='+ document.forms[0].giCounty.value;
if (document.forms[0].giRadius.value!=undefined) sList+='&giRadius='+ document.forms[0].giRadius.value;
if (document.forms[0].gsZip.value!=undefined) sList+='&gsZip='+ document.forms[0].gsZip.value;
//Disables part of the Advanced Facility Search form - if they enter a non-null value
//excecute this "onchange
function TogglePowerField ()
//if facility min or max power is nonnull - disable unit min and max power
if (((document.forms[0].gfFacilitymwminrange.value!=undefined) || (document.forms[0].gfFacilitymwmaxrange.value!=undefined))
&& ((document.forms[0].gfFacilitymwminrange.value!=0) || (document.forms[0].gfFacilitymwmaxrange.value!=0)))
//if unit min or max power is nonnull - disable facility min and max power
if (((document.forms[0].gfUnitmwminrange.value!=undefined) || (document.forms[0].gfUnitmwmaxrange.value!=undefined))
&& ((document.forms[0].gfUnitmwminrange.value!=0) || (document.forms[0].gfUnitmwmaxrange.value!=0)))
//If the user selects the "all" option for unit types - deselect the other options.
function UnitTypeAll()
if (document.getElementsByName('gasUnittype[]')[0].options[0].selected==true)
for (i=1; i< document.getElementsByName('gasUnittype[]')[0].length; i++)
function UnitStatusTypeAll()
if (document.getElementsByName('gasUnitstatustype[]')[0].options[0].selected==true)
for (i=1; i < document.getElementsByName('gasUnitstatustype[]')[0].length; i++)
function APCTypeAll()
if (document.getElementsByName('gasApctype[]')[0].options[0].selected==true)
for (i=1; i < document.getElementsByName('gasApctype[]')[0].length; i++)
function MonitoringTypeAll()
if (document.getElementsByName('gasMonitoringtype[]')[0].options[0].selected==true)
for (i=1; i < document.getElementsByName('gasMonitoringtype[]')[0].length; i++)
//For advanced facility search - toggle the fuel product simple and advanced types in the form
//note: 0 is used as an "all" option - so don't grey out the other option.
//now to get it working with multiple selects: document.getElementsByName('gasFueltype_simple[]')[0].value
//check the first value in the multiple select
//iSimple - 1 if the user changed a value in fuelproduct regular, 0 if in advanced
function ToggleFuelProduct(iSimple)
//if they select a simple fuel, then remove the advanced fuel (or set it to "all")
if ((document.getElementsByName('gasFueltype_simple[]')[0].value!=undefined) && (document.getElementsByName('gasFueltype_simple[]')[0].value!=0) && (iSimple==1))
//if they select an advanced fuel, then remove the simple fuel (or set it to "all")
else if ((document.getElementsByName('gasFueltype_advanced[]')[0].value!=undefined) && (document.getElementsByName('gasFueltype_advanced[]')[0].value!=0) && (iSimple==0))
//first check to see if they set any value to "select all" - in which case it overrides the other options
if (document.getElementsByName('gasFueltype_advanced[]')[0].options[0].selected==true)
for (i=1; i< document.getElementsByName('gasFueltype_advanced[]')[0].length; i++)
if (document.getElementsByName('gasFueltype_simple[]')[0].options[0].selected==true)
for (i=1; i < document.getElementsByName('gasFueltype_simple[]')[0].length; i++)
//Toggles date for advanced facility search (unit dates turn off facility dates and vice versa - so users cannot select both)
function ToggleDate()
if (
((document.forms[0].gsEnd_facility_minday.value!=undefined) && (document.forms[0].gsEnd_facility_minday.value!=0))
|| ((document.forms[0].gsEnd_facility_minmonth.value!=undefined) && (document.forms[0].gsEnd_facility_minmonth.value!=0))
|| ((document.forms[0].gsEnd_facility_minyear.value!=undefined) && (document.forms[0].gsEnd_facility_minyear.value!=0))
|| ((document.forms[0].gsStart_facility_minday.value!=undefined) && (document.forms[0].gsStart_facility_minday.value!=0))
|| ((document.forms[0].gsStart_facility_minmonth.value!=undefined) && (document.forms[0].gsStart_facility_minmonth.value!=0))
|| ((document.forms[0].gsStart_facility_minyear.value!=undefined) && (document.forms[0].gsStart_facility_minyear.value!=0))
if (
((document.forms[0].gsUnitstatus_startday.value!=undefined) && (document.forms[0].gsUnitstatus_startday.value!=0))
|| ((document.forms[0].gsUnitstatus_startmonth.value!=undefined) && (document.forms[0].gsUnitstatus_startmonth.value!=0))
|| ((document.forms[0].gsUnitstatus_startyear.value!=undefined) && (document.forms[0].gsUnitstatus_startyear.value!=0))
|| ((document.forms[0].gsUnitstatus_endday.value!=undefined) && (document.forms[0].gsUnitstatus_endday.value!=0))
|| ((document.forms[0].gsUnitstatus_endmonth.value!=undefined) && (document.forms[0].gsUnitstatus_endmonth.value!=0))
|| ((document.forms[0].gsUnitstatus_endyear.value!=undefined) && (document.forms[0].gsUnitstatus_endyear.value!=0))
//a shell function to call createMarker, used in several other functions - avoids duplication
//for McNeil - we need the layer or possibly status info, but don't actually want to display the marker.
function createMarker_shell (aFacility, iFacilityid, iLayervisible)
//alert ("calling createMarker_shell");
//create a point using two different naming conventions for lat, long, name
if ((aFacility['fLatitude']!=undefined) && (aFacility['fLatitude']!=''))
var point = new google.maps.LatLng(aFacility['fLatitude'], aFacility['fLongitude']);
var title =aFacility['sName'];
var point = new google.maps.LatLng(aFacility['fLa'], aFacility['fLo']);
var title =aFacility['sNa'];
var sMarkercolor='';
var iTempstatus=0;
//stores the layer that is being displayed by the marker (aka the layer that the marker is a member of) in the facilities array
//allows us to test for it later and turn it off
if ((aFacility['iPrimaryfacilitytype']!=0) && (aFacility['aiUnitstatus']!=undefined)) iTempstatus=aFacility['aiUnitstatus'][0];
else if (aFacility['aiUnitstatus_factype']==undefined) iTempstatus='99';
else if (aFacility['aiUnitstatus_factype'][iLayervisible]!=undefined) iTempstatus=aFacility['aiUnitstatus_factype'][iLayervisible];
if (iTempstatus=='1') sMarkercolor='green';
else if (iTempstatus=='2') sMarkercolor='orange';
else if (iTempstatus=='3') sMarkercolor='red';
else if (iTempstatus=='4') sMarkercolor='grey';
else sMarkercolor='red';
//converts from basic fac types to the icon groups - that use letters.
//added a '' for the 0th element
var asLayertoicon = new Array
('', 'nuke', 'coal', 'oil', 'gas', 'oil', 'coal', 'gas', 'ethanol', 'ethanol',
'incinerator', 'incinerator', 'incinerator', 'incinerator', 'kiln',
'landfill', 'landfill', 'hydro', 'geo', 'wind', 'solar', 'incinerator', 'nuclear', ''
//same names as basic fac types - from constants
//added a '' for the 0th element
var asLayertoname = new Array
('','Nuclear Reactor', 'Coal-Fired Power Plant', 'Oil-Fired Power Plant', 'Natural Gas-Fired Power Plant',
'Oil Refinery', 'Coal-to-Oil Refinery', 'Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal', 'Ethanol Biorefinery',
'Cellulosic Ethanol Biorefinery', 'Trash Incinerator', 'Wood / Biomass Incinerator', 'Poultry Waste Incinerator',
'Tire Incinerating Facility', 'Cement Kiln', 'Landfill', 'Landfill Gas Burner', 'Hydroelectric', 'Geothermal',
'Wind Turbine', 'Solar Photovoltaic or Concentrated', 'Sewage Sludge', 'Nuclear Fuel Chain Facility','Paper Mill', 'Medical Waste');
var sFacname='';
var sFactype='';
if (asLayertoicon[iLayervisible]!=undefined)
//this might include several incinerator types that aren't in the basic-20 - like medical waste incinerator
else if (aFacility['iPrimaryfacilitytype']==2)
else sFactype='other';
//choose marker size based on MW - aFacility['fPower']s
var sFacsize='';
if ((aFacility['fPower']=='') || (aFacility['fPower']==0)) sFacsize='regular';
else if (aFacility['fPower']>=500) sFacsize='larger';
else if (aFacility['fPower']>=100) sFacsize='large';
else if (aFacility['fPower']>=20) sFacsize='regular';
else sFacsize='small';
var sTexturl='